Gun, Karina & Rodney Potter


Karina was becoming sedentary, complaining of sore legs when walking and overall very difficult to go out with if it involved walking. It affected all of us. Medical advice was always ‘lukewarm’ focused on ‘telling’ rather than ‘doing’ without real consideration for solutions that would be family centered and therefore actionable and supported sporting activities for Karina did not suit our family (we all work fulltime and cannot attend activities during the day; and/or activities involved travelling across several suburbs which would not be sustainable; and/or they were not suitable for other reasons).

We needed a solution that fitted in with our family. Jack has become that solution for us and we cannot thank him enough. After involvement with Jack since 2017 – Karina never mentions being sore; regained her natural activity and charisma (dancing, walking, chatting). Dexa scans with Raine Study shows that the muscle to fat ratio has increased. Karina has Moved from Size 20 to 18. Still overweight, but much more active and therefore healthy. This is very important as health issues of Downs individuals that include diabetes, dementia and cardiac problems are quite common. We feel some of these are now under better control and Karina’s future health is more positive.

Me (Gun) – 2 yrs ago – frustrated, depressed and at a loss of what could work to increase Karina’s and family health. Tried diets, finding local activities and establishing routines in the family – but for various reasons these did not work. Over 4 years (since 2014) – I went from size 11 (around 63-65 kg) to size 15 (around 74kg) and hypertension (BP 150/90, pulse;60 ish). I Googled personal trainers, contacted Jack late 2017 and initiated training at home with Karina in mind.

Our involvement would initially be to support Karina while having some personal benefits as well. But I found a joy in regaining my personal health and am now size 12 and aiming for my pre-2014 ‘normal’. While my hypertension is still present it is more under control. I am now a member of both SMA as well as the Hills Triathlon Club and having completed a short enticer triathlon in late 2019, am training with the aim of completing several of these in the future. I feel fitter, more positive overall, aches and pains are under control and have become/regained a lot of my resilience and drive.

Family – we have made and/or improved several diet habits. Rodney has also lost weight and become fitter, our son is gradually increasing his activity as well. As the health of one individual in a family cannot be considered in isolation from the rest of the family (a village raises a child idea) the health of our whole family as well as close friends is also improved. From something as ‘simple’ as regular supported, structured physical activities that consider the needs of the family that supports the disabled person we have found a solution that benefits us all.

Jack, a lot of this is due to the great program and support from you. Thank you!

Carmen Watts